
A self-driving car, the astronaut will be able to travel 10 thousand kilometers on the moon

Japan's largest car maker Toyota is building a car on the moon. It has been named Jxa Lunar Rover. In…

6 years ago

Medicines, Brain Mapping will also work in as little robots as the width of a hair.

New York's Cornell University researchers have developed a new nanofabration technology. With the help of which they have created robots…

6 years ago

Bugs like Robots can fly to height of 100 meters, speeds up to 18 km/h

French Aeronautical engineer Edwin van Rubabbe has created a bug-like robot 'Metaphlai' which looks like a genuine flying insect. It…

6 years ago

Scientist will be able to see aliens spaceships by looking at the trails made of radiation in space.

Scientists believe that if there is such an advanced Alien civilization in the universe, which drives its starship with the…

6 years ago

American scientist claims to be able to increase thinking ability by thinking of smart chip

Soon people will be able to understand the ability of thinking and understanding. Scientists are developing such high-tech chip that…

6 years ago

First Artificial Intelligence Woman News Anchor Shin Shiomeng

Chinese news agency Xinhua has made its first female news anchor live with the help of Artificial Intelligence. It has…

6 years ago

Humans can live on the moon, scientists find a way to make water there

How to make water on the moon can be made, NASA scientists have detected the method. Scientists have tried to…

6 years ago

China’s students put robot to do homework, internet admire

Homework is a job that hardly a child likes. Many times this work becomes very prolonged, tedious and boring. Especially…

6 years ago

Debris is two places in space, due to the collision of planets, meteorites come to Earth from there

The source-based source of the origin of the descendant of Ulk Vasund is found on the earth. Research published in…

6 years ago

The world’s first artistic robot, which will not only make pictures of humans but also talk to them

The British Arts Engineering Company says that he has created a female robot using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can…

6 years ago